Carbon Neutral Company

We are proud to announce that MMT is now a certified Carbon Neutral organisation!
We have achieved Carbon Neutral status in accordance with its FY2022 carbon footprint with permanently surrendering 504 tonnes of Biodiverse Reforestation Carbon Offsets from the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor, and Avoided Deforestation offsets from Peru.
The certification was provided by Carbon Neutral Pty Ltd. Climate Neutral aims to be the new standard in sustainability, and guide companies towards taking action which leads us towards climate neutrality. This makes us an environmentally responsible business and helps ensure that your experience with MMT contributes positively to the environment you live in!
What is Carbon Neutral?
A carbon neutral company reduces its net greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible, and then reinvests in projects that reduce atmospheric CO2 at least equivalent to the remaining net emissions. These are called carbon offsets – an investment in a project that reduces greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere. If you want to be carbon neutral, you can either buy enough offsets for your entire business or donate money directly to Climate Neutral's projects around the world.
Climate Neutral is an organisation that certifies businesses and organisations who are committed to being climate neutral. They work with companies around the world on solutions which make financial sense but also help tackle global warming - helping businesses become more resilient against climate change while also reducing their footprint on our biodiversity and atmosphere.
Why should I be Carbon Neutral?
Being carbon negative has huge benefits both socially and environmentally: It helps reduce the effects of global warming by reducing overall pollution levels; it helps protect nature through natural conservation programs and it encourages ethical behaviour within your brand.
We hope you will join us in making efforts to reduce your own carbon footprint through these practical steps:
Become aware of the environmental impact of your everyday activities by learning about them—this will help you become more mindful about what you can do differently next time.
Tell others about climate change so they can learn more about it too!
The world is changing, and it's important for companies to take steps toward a more sustainable future. You can help by reducing your own carbon footprint at home or work—and if you're ready to take the plunge, join us in making efforts toward becoming carbon neutral!